Model requirements

plenoptic provides a model-based synthesis framework, and therefore we require several things of the models used with the package (the function provides a convenient way to check whether your model meets the following requirements, and see plenoptic.simulate.models for some examples). Your model:

  • should inherit torch.nn.Module (this is not strictly necessary, but will make meeting the other requirements easier).

  • must be callable, be able to accept a 4d torch.Tensor as input, and return a 3d or 4d torch.Tensor as output.

    • If you inherit torch.nn.Module, implementing the forward() method will make your model callable.

    • Otherwise, implement the __call__() method.

  • the above transformation must be differentiable by torch. In practice, this generally means you perform all computations using torch functions (unless you want to write a custom .backward() method).

  • must not have any learnable parameters. This is largely to save time by avoiding calculation of unnecessary gradients, but synthesis is performed with a fixed model — we are optimizing the input, not the model parameters. You can use the helper function to detach all parameters. Similarly, your model should probably be in evaluation mode (i.e., call model.eval()), though this is not strictly required. See the pytorch documentation for the difference between evaluation mode and disabling gradient computation.

Additionally, your model inputs and outputs should be real- or complex-valued and should be interpretable for all possible values (within some range). The intention of stimulus synthesis is to facilitate model understanding — if the synthesized stimulus are meaningless, this defeats the purpose. (Note that domain restrictions, such as requiring integer-valued inputs, can probably be accomplished by adding a penalty to an objective function, but will make your life harder.)

plenoptic.synthesize.mad_competition.MADCompetition uses metrics, rather than models, which have the following requirements (use the function to check whether your metric meets the following requirements and see plenoptic.metric for some examples):

  • a metric must be callable, accept two 4d torch.Tensor objects as inputs, and return a scalar as output. It can be a torch.nn.Module object or other callable object, like models, as well as a function.

  • when called on two identical inputs, the metric must return a value of 0.

  • it must always return a non-negative number.

Finally, plenoptic.synthesize.metamer.Metamer supports coarse-to-fine synthesis, as described in [PS]. To make use of coarse-to-fine synthesis, your model must meet the following additional requirements (use the function to check and see plenoptic.simulate.models.portilla_simoncelli.PortillaSimoncelli for an example):

  • the model must have a scales attribute.

  • in addition to a torch.Tensor, the forward() method must also be able to accept an optional scales keyword argument (equivalently, when calling the model, if the model does not inherit torch.nn.Module).

  • that argument should be a list, containing one or more values from model.scales, the shape of the output should change when scales is a strict subset of all possible values.


J Portilla and E P Simoncelli. A Parametric Texture Model based on Joint Statistics of Complex Wavelet Coefficients. Int’l Journal of Computer Vision. 40(1):49-71, October, 2000. abstract, paper.